Friday, February 19, 2010

Little Rebel Boy bedding

This Is the first bedding set I ever made, and considering I'm an amature in the sewing department I think it turned out fantastically!

I know your probably thinking.. OK that's different for a baby, but they grow out of the baby stage so fast i decided to design his room around a boy, and give a James dean, rebel feel.

I used really good quality cotton, and flees for the back.

(note: this place is an older house so the walls and what not are slightly crooked so the blinds kinda fell funny..I have adjusted it and now they fit nicely!!)

I've added a few other elements to the room.....

A sign on the door

Some art on the wall

This one was made by my daughter

This one is above his crib

Shelves above the dresser filled with
1950's vehicles, hot rods, and a few Pirate things

Finally an old lamp and table cover in fabric,

And there it is, my son's room, something he can grow into!

I hope this gives you some ideas for a little boy (or big you know


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