Tuesday, February 2, 2010

New House.....lets get crafting....Kids Decor

So just as i started this blog Military housing call and gave us 8days notice to move to our new place...it was "YAY" new house and "OH MY" 8 days.

But we are all moved and it is great to have the extra room to move around and that also means more places for my crafts..lol

So where to start....the kids rooms.

This is a easy project that is inexpensive and take little time to complete and gives you a great finished finished product. It is also a easy project that you can change to match any Decor.

This is in my son's room

This is in my daughter's room

This is an easy and simple decor craft that anyone can do just follow my easy tutoral Here


  1. I am always looking for craft ideas! I'm a new follower from Follow Friday. You can find me blogging here:


  2. Thx!! i am new at the blog thing and i'm trying to figure out how to post correctly, have pages, buttons...al that jazz.

    thx for following and i promise it will get better

  3. Hello! I'm from Friday Follow...come visit me! Love the pictures for the kid's rooms!



  4. Cute! Happy to find a craft girl. Cannot wait to read more. I have a bunch of canvas, plaques, etc. that I am trying to do something with like you did.

    Happy Friday Follow! Looking forward to reading more.

  5. Love crafts, and love your blog name! So cute!

    Happy Friday Follow! I'm your newest follower! I look forward to coming back! Would you follow me back?

    Shannon at:http://www.milkandcuddles.com/

  6. new friday follows! Cute blog! Welcome to the blogging world! Please come back and follow back!
